This is my last journal.actually don’t have any ideas for my journal this week.Next week is my fianal exam..waarghh..I feel so stress.coz i don’t prepared anything for the final exam next week.I think the time was running out so fast.
I dont conscious this short semester become over.Its so nice becouse we can go home to holiday about 3 week but before we enjoyed for the holiday we must to meet with the final exam.I feel want to go home witho take a final exam.This week is so busy with Mitech activities, prepared for the interview,finish for the journal and study for test 2 (tmk)and also study for the fianal exam.
When the holiday, i must very missed my friends although the holiday only 3 week. I hope I will do succesfully for the final exam next week.
Be nice
Study after study has shown that people with pleasing personalities have an easier time reaching success. Now only are they more levelheaded in handling the business but they also draw people around them that are eager and willing to help. In fact, in addition to being pleasing, be polite, show true interest, and have a great sense of humor.
12 years ago